Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) looses yet again.....

DISCLAIMER:  The intention of this post is to educate the reader about Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA).  There is no intention of harassing, alarming or annoying anyone.  Dean Kevin Ziegler (Allentown, PA) has committed fraud and continued to commit fraud after the fact.  As a matter of public concern, I feel the general public has the right to know of Dean Kevin Zieglers (Allentown, PA) history so fraud is not committed against them.  His criminal history not only includes Fraud, but also harassment, abuse, and other summary offenses.  There are many chiropractors in the Allentown Area.  Should DEAN KEVIN ZIEGLER OF ZIEGLER CHIROPRACTIC (Allentown, PA) be one of them?  I am also exercising my rights to Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press which are afforded to me by the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

Remember the post about this jagoff having space that he rented out without having the license to do so?  And then he had the nerve to take someone he had living there to court over that unlicensed place. Well.....  HE LOST!!!!

More about this in the next email. 


Friday, March 25, 2016

Can you see how Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) appears to have hurt someone and acted stupid on top of it?

DISCLAIMER:  The intention of this post is to educate the reader about Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA).  There is no intention of harassing, alarming or annoying anyone.  Dean Kevin Ziegler (Allentown, PA) has committed fraud and continued to commit fraud after the fact.  As a matter of public concern, I feel the general public has the right to know of Dean Kevin Zieglers (Allentown, PA) history so fraud is not committed against them.  His criminal history not only includes Fraud, but also harassment, abuse, and other summary offenses.  There are many chiropractors in the Allentown Area.  Should DEAN KEVIN ZIEGLER OF ZIEGLER CHIROPRACTIC (Allentown, PA) be one of them?  I am also exercising my rights to Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press which are afforded to me by the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

His stupidity speaks for itself:

This idiot was suing me explicitly over a single Facebook post I made.  The information about her condition was provided to me by the patient herself.   One day she had stopped me and my partner in disgust and pain about an issue that occurred with her.  She stated that she had an adjustment one day at her chiropractors to her low back and the next day woke up with severe pain, ending up at the ER.  She stated that an x-ray she had was showing what appeared to be a fracture in the lumbar part of her back.  Here is the exact statement I made:

Here is a snippet from the patients notes recorded by Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) himself. Take note that this occurred the very next day following an adjustment by Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA):

Lets look at his first complaint, Defamation of character.  In my post, this putz name or business is not mentioned.  Second, the name the patient/friend goes by in life and on Facebook are two different names.  So basically not the same person.  Third, The idiots own notes confirm what I was told by my friend; that the ER found a fractured lumbar spine.  That calculates to TRUTH to me.  And fourth, I don't blame anyone for her unfortunate incident.  I clearly state "Its a mystery how it happened." Someone (like Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA)) must have a guilty conscious about something.  We can chalk one up for stupidity for Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA).

Loss of income:  This jagoff lost no income based on my post as no one knew who the chiropractor was that did the act.  Also, this ass forgot that he COMMITTED FRAUD and he is a FELON.  Not only did he loose his license and was not allowed to treat patients, but attorneys wanted nothing to do with him because they need trustworthy witnesses. Also,  insurance companies dropped him from their preferred lists because how could they rely on the truthfulness of his claims and treatment.  This might have something to do with Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) loosing income.   The jerk did it to himself for being a CRIMINAL.  Lets chalk that one up... Again to Stupidity!!!  Lets look at it this way.  Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) will do ANYTHING (including lying) to try and make a buck.  What happened in the past is no different than how he currently is. He doesn't learn from his lessons.  He has demonstrated this over and over again. Once a FELON always a FELON!!!  When you have so many other choices for chiropractor, would you want to be treated by someone like Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA)?

HIPAA Violation:  This idiot is so stupid, he doesn't know that HIPAA does not apply to the general lay public.  You can't even sue an individual over a HIPAA violation. Any way, if the information is untrue as Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) states, it can't possibly be vital patient information.  Wrong information is not accurate information  so it couldn't possibly violate HIPAA.  Unless, it is true. And:
  1. Covered entities are defined in the HIPAA rules as (1) health plans, (2) health care clearinghouses, and (3) health care providers who electronically transmit any health information in connection with transactions for which HHS has adopted standards.
The Office for Civil Rights enforces the HIPAA Privacy Rule not this character.  The stupid putz could have learned about HIPAA simply by going HERE.  But this king of misdirection thinks he knows everything.  HE KNOWS NOTHING!!  Stupidity yet again.  HES ON A ROLL!!!

Fraud:  Don't even know where he was going with that one.  Maybe he was simply reflecting on his own life. Lets just again, brush it off to stupidity.

Libel/slander:  Nothing in the post directs the reader to infer or even contemplate that the person being spoke of is Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA).  There is no reference what so ever. And TRUTH is a defense anyway.  Also, he apparently doesn't know what slander means.  And this boils down to... Yes you guessed it. Stupidity yet again??

The result of the case??  Well of course, the judge declared it to be DISMISSED!!! (click dismissed for the Docket). Dean Kevin Ziegler (Allentown, PA) got NO WHERE YET AGAIN. In the life of Dean Kevin Ziegler (Allentown, PA), he stands for nothing more than STUPIDITY.  I would be wrong to not also include FRAUD!! And, it cost him $146.50 for that stupidity.  He once tried selling mattresses, he should stick to that. Well maybe not.  He wasn't successful at that either.  He is a failure at a lot that he does.

All in all, this is NOT someone you want trusting to your health. He will violate HIPAA himself by providing your medical records to anyone because of his stupidity and drive for revenge. How do you think I got a copy of the patients medical record (including Social Security number  and Date of Birth).  He obviously doesnt even know how HIPAA works!!! And he is supposedly a "doctor" (I use that term lightly). Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) is as intelligent as a box of rocks.  They may even be smarter. Do you want this character touching you?? I HOPE NOT!!!  Lets put Dean Kevin Ziegler out of business for good!!


Monday, March 21, 2016

This jagoff just doesn't give up....

DISCLAIMER:  The intention of this post is to educate the reader about Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA).  There is no intention of harassing, alarming or annoying anyone.  Dean Kevin Ziegler (Allentown, PA) has committed fraud and continued to commit fraud after the fact.  As a matter of public concern, I feel the general public has the right to know of Dean Kevin Zieglers (Allentown, PA) history so fraud is not committed against them.  His criminal history not only includes Fraud, but also harassment, abuse, and other summary offenses.  There are many chiropractors in the Allentown Area.  Should DEAN KEVIN ZIEGLER OF ZIEGLER CHIROPRACTIC (Allentown, PA) be one of them?  I am also exercising my rights to Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press which are afforded to me by the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

Well Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) never disappoints.  He has done it yet again.  He thinks he is just too good to follow the rules.  He is extremely careless and reckless.  He cares about nothing but himself.  Over and Over proof has been provided to demonstrate why he is a dangerous individual. And these are only the things he is caught and from what I have heard, he is far worse. Karma has this idiot in his/her eye.
In other information, the email update will be uploaded by 6PM EST and will be distributed within an hour after (from what history shows).  I finished my part, just waiting on the digital conversion.

I had a very interesting and enlightening experience. Some documents were obtained which will be part of the email.   

I have also finally had some damning audio recordings converted for internet upload.  There will be a link on page 3 under the heading "Some things he wishes were never said."  The link takes you to Sound Cloud where the audio files are.  Bookmark the link because files will be uploaded as they come in.

Someone is going to realize how the truth is a stubborn thing.  It doesn't go away. And when your committed to the truth as I am, your life consequences make unexpected turns.  I am not going away any time soon.  As he is starting to realize, the people he can trust is dwindling.  As I get to people and fill them in on the TRUTH, they realize how dishonest of a person he really is.  Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic had committed fraud for a long time.  It is only right that I fight just as hard for the same amount of time.

I don't know why I keep getting asked this, but inquires are made as to why I am doing all this.  They ask if it had something to do with my partner getting fired (NEARLY FOUR YEARS AGO- Only this jagoff tries to make such an idiotic connection) by Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA).  I always laugh as that jagoff continues to use that for some reason as if it means something.  It was a mystery at one point, but one government official brought it up with me and this jagoff had tried to use it as some sort of defense to his criminal activity.  Misdirection as always.

My partner worked for this looser for 7 years.  When I first realized who his boss was, I knew before meeting him that he was a bad egg.  Working in healthcare, I always watch out for healthcare personnel charged with fraud.  His name came up in a news article I read before meeting my partner. I have always been against fraud and reported others in the past for the criminal act.  

My partner for some reason wanted to continue to work for him although I tried getting him to leave.  As I demonstrated acting as a patient, he continued to commit fraud on every patient he saw.   As a patient though, I also got my partner hours which was good.  It wasn't the only money I was able to get off him.  I figured if he was stealing money, it really wasn't his to begin with.  Nothing illegal was ever committed by me though.

So, my partner wouldn't get caught up in his shenanigans  I kept close and made Dean believe I was his friend.  I worked on computers and around his place doing little things (some things that he did't ask me too) Little did he know I was planning his take down the whole time.  He should have never given me access to the things he did.  The benefits are many even to this day.  

I had eventually told my partner I was ready to turn him in.  But my partner wouldn't let me while he still worked there.  So I sat and waited.  As things got tough for jagoff, he needed to save money.  My partner was the only remaining massage therapist "on the books".  Others were paid "under the table" (info about that and things related to todays discussion will be in the email).  And one therapist was greedy and wanted more patients.  Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) had been trying for a two or three months to get my partner gone. I told my partner how to respond and what to get.  My goal was to cover my partner and make sure we had ammo against Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA)

Eventually, he got the idea to fire him saying he hurt someone.  There was no discussion about this alleged "patient" just an unfounded accusation.  As required, there was no investigation into the issue. Dean wouldn't even mention who the patient was.  On top of that, he slipped up some in his planning.  (As we have shown, he is not the brightest bulb in the box) Why so secretive??  Because it never happened.  We had contacted all the patients my partner had worked on in the last three  weeks prior.  None of them supported the information that Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) claimed.  And on top of it, we obtained audio and documented proof that it was all made up.  What an idiot.  He has absolutely NO proof that such a thing ever occurred and we have all the proof he is a liar.  And how ironic that he had hurt one of his patients the month prior.  I guess thats what sparked his idea.

 Our lawyer was contacted and a defamation case was filed.  Rather quickly, after hearing about what the jagoff did to him, he got full time hours and his pay was significantly increased over what he was making at the losers place.  Since there was no financial loss and he actually benefited from Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) being an ass, there was no case and it was withdrawn before served.  

Defamation in PA has a statute of limitations of one year.  There is an exception to this though.  Since Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) keeps bringing it up.  That restarts the clock.  And from what one of my  few "spies" told me last night, the jagoff has done just that. What a STUPID idiot Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) is.  I must agree fully with what Judge Dantos said about Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA): "Your not as smart as you think you are".  And  Lehigh County Senior Deputy District Attorney David Mussel also said: "He's been talking a lot in circles, a lot of misdirection,"  "In a sense, judge, he thinks everyone is dumber than he is."  And luckily more and more people are starting to see these very things.  The harder he tries to make himself look good, the more mistakes and lies come out of his pie hole.   

Anyway, a family member of mine advised me that a friend of hers was going to Ziegler.  I talked with them and examined the insurance statements.  FRAUD WAS EVIDENT. We got a hold of the exam notes.  I demonstrated how they were falsified. 

The insurance company was contacted and a complaint was filed with the state.  I had pretty much forgot about this jagoff until I learned about this.  Memories were sparked about how he doesn't learn his lesson, for example having me create falsified patient records while he was going to jail for fraud.  (Glad I kept them).  

In the mean time, another individual came to me with their insurance documents.  Fraud there too.  And same inconsistencies with their case notes.  

I was disgusted that Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) was still up to his same tricks. Based on the result of a conversation with a government official, I decided to do what I could to help combat his criminal fraud.  I decided to share the information I had with as many people as possible.  

I started writing reviews, but because of the lies of Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) and some miss understanding of the terms and conditions of some sites, my reviews were removed.  As a result of my reviews being removed, I needed another medium to get the word out and warn people about this looser.  

I started to create web sites which Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) would have NO power to remove other than with a court order (Which would never happen).  

As I started to get more sensitive info that I needed to regulate who saw it, I had to control distribution.  My email campaign was born.  

So, it had nothing to do with the firing of anyone.  That malicious and wrongful firing was actually a benefit.  More money was made and I had the go ahead to turn Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) in.  A win win...  I hate fraud, he continues it, I take a stand to combat it.  That simple.

Didn't realize how much I just typed.  Anyway the moral is soon about to get as real as it can for this jagoff.  

As I am finishing, I just got the digital document back.  I am going to upload it now and it should be in your inbox by 6PM.


Sunday, March 20, 2016

Email update....

Good day fellow fighters of Fraud...

I know I said that the next email volume was going to be released today, but I decided to put it off till tomorrow evening or Tuesday.  

I have a meeting with Allentown City Officials tomorrow morning and the result of that is something that I want to share with you all.   

I promise you that criminals will learn what happens when they commit fraud.  Fraud is something that has always hit me hard and I detest anyone that commits it. 

Friday, March 18, 2016

Does this jagoff care about the well-being of others???

DISCLAIMER:  The intention of this post is to educate the reader about Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA).  There is no intention of harassing, alarming or annoying anyone.  Dean Kevin Ziegler (Allentown, PA) has committed fraud and continued to commit fraud after the fact.  As a matter of public concern, I feel the general public has the right to know of Dean Kevin Zieglers (Allentown, PA) history so fraud is not committed against them.  His criminal history not only includes Fraud, but also harassment, abuse, and other summary offenses.  There are many chiropractors in the Allentown Area.  Should DEAN KEVIN ZIEGLER OF ZIEGLER CHIROPRACTIC (Allentown, PA) be one of them?  I am also exercising my rights to Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press which are afforded to me by the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

That is an easy answer when it comes to the history of Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA).  Multiple posts, including the one from yesterday HERE, has demonstrated time after time that this jagoff cares only about himself.

Fast forward to today.  I receive an email from a Facebook friend of Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA).  It contained a picture of this looser apparently experiencing a "blow out" of a tire. They wanted me to share and thanks to the First Amendment, I will do just that.

Take a look"

Now take a closer look at this:

This ass cares not about the well being of anyone but himself.  It is obvious that this tire is well past the point of replacement.  This 100% explains the "blow out" which Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) experienced.  A blow out that could have caused a significant accident traveling at the Turnpikes high speed and hurt MANY people.  Who cares if he gets hurt (Would serve him right), it would be his own doing.  But to be careless and reckless of the well being of others....  That is just down right blatant disregard for others.

This same carelessness and recklessness has been and continues to be integrated into his chiropractic business.


He is a criminal, a FRAUD, a FELON, and cares only about himself.  


Thursday, March 17, 2016

And he officially commits FRAUD again....

DISCLAIMER:  The intention of this post is to educate the reader about Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA).  There is no intention of harassing, alarming or annoying anyone.  Dean Kevin Ziegler (Allentown, PA) has committed fraud and continued to commit fraud after the fact.  As a matter of public concern, I feel the general public has the right to know of Dean Kevin Zieglers (Allentown, PA) history so fraud is not committed against them.  His criminal history not only includes Fraud, but also harassment, abuse, and other summary offenses.  There are many chiropractors in the Allentown Area.  Should DEAN KEVIN ZIEGLER OF ZIEGLER CHIROPRACTIC (Allentown, PA) be one of them?  I am also exercising my rights to Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press which are afforded to me by the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

Well, we knew it would happen again.  Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) just doesn't learn his lesson and thinks he can make his own rules.  I have proved this fact over and over again and today we show he has done it again.

Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA)  has been renting out the third floor of his residence for a few years now.    An extensive afternoon visit to the Allentown City Hall and Magistrates office has shown that this jagoff has neglected to obtain the required Business License to operate a rental and more troubling has not obtained the required rental license for the rental.  He has put the lives of others in danger by not following standards and rules of the city that requires inspection prior to renting out the property.

It was great to go over with others all the facts I have on his extensive history.  It was even more satisfying that I had the opportunity to turn him in.  I wonder if the outcome of this will result in the loss of his chiropractic license since he is still on probation and this act is a crime more than a traffic citation?

But, Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) thinks he is above rules and procedures.  He does everything possible to cut corners to save himself $$$$$.  He can't make much out of his life as he keeps getting on the loosing end of things.  Maybe I'll get me another Criminal Harassment charge....  I think not!!

And speaking of loosing, on top of not following proper rental procedures he has the nerve to bring a civil case against an individual in a landlord/tenant dispute.  HE IS NOT A LANDLORD.  He is going to LOOSE that battle too.

But thats not the best part.....  Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) is in for a little surprise.  Lets save that nugget for the email distribution.  Should be sent out by Sunday of this week.  Keep your eyes open.

The name Dean Kevin Ziegler is synonymous with FRAUD.  Do not get involved with this quack.  He does things for his own benefit without considering the health and safety of others.

It is my Honor to use my First Amendment rights to not only express the importance of his criminal history to others, but also to make things as difficult for him as I possibly can.  I am not afraid to fight for what is right.  Criminals and those that don't follow the rules should not have the opportunity to play the game with others.

The battle is on!!  Lets watch Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) fall on his face.


Sunday, March 13, 2016

There adding up.... and adding up

DISCLAIMER:  The intention of this post is to educate the reader about Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA).  There is no intention of harassing, alarming or annoying anyone.  Dean Kevin Ziegler (Allentown, PA) has committed fraud and continued to commit fraud after the fact.  As a matter of public concern, I feel the general public has the right to know of Dean Kevin Zieglers (Allentown, PA) history so fraud is not committed against them.  His criminal history not only includes Fraud, but also harassment, abuse, and other summary offenses.  There are many chiropractors in the Allentown Area.  Should DEAN KEVIN ZIEGLER OF ZIEGLER CHIROPRACTIC (Allentown, PA) be one of them?  I am also exercising my rights to Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press which are afforded to me by the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

The jagoff Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) has been deemed GUILTY yet again for not ONE but TWO additional CRIMINAL SUMMARY OFFENSES for 2016.  Add to that the other TWO he already had prior and that gives him a grand total of FOUR CRIMINAL SUMMARY OFFENSES for this idiot in 2016 alone.  In 2015, he had a total of SEVEN CRIMINAL SUMMARY OFFENSES. And look at all the crimes he committed yet prior, the grand pupa being FRAUD.  Yes, this JAGOFF is a FELON!!!!

Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) has demonstrated over and over his incapability of following the simplest of rules and committing criminal offenses time after time without showing any sign of learning his lessons.  His behavior trickles over to the chiropractic practice he tries to have.  He makes his own rules as a "doctor" (term used extremely lightly) and does what he needs to in order to make the greatest buck he can regardless of any illegal or unethical actions he may commit. 

His history alone provides enough reason NOT to use his services in ANY way.  And, you probably do not even want to associate yourself with him in any fashion.  He is not any hero you want to associate yourself with.  With so many chiropractors available in the Lehigh Valley region, RUN FAR AND FAST from Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA)

PS:  Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) has promised me that I was going to be charged again with criminal harassment.  As I am not surprised.....  I have not been charged with anything.  Seems all Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) does is talk out his ASS.  He also, promised me a civil case.  NOTHING there either!!  WHAT A LOOSER!! Regardless, he I would continue to prevail against anything he throws at me.  He is STUPID.  He forgets about the TRUTH and the precious FIRST AMENDMENT that I hold so dearly.

This is really someone you want nothing to do with.  NOTHING!!  But I will continue my efforts with multiple web sites, email campaign, and other "legal" actions to be sure he knows how important it is not to be a criminal.


Saturday, March 5, 2016


DISCLAIMER:  The intention of this post is to educate the reader about Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA).  There is no intention of harassing, alarming or annoying anyone.  Dean Kevin Ziegler (Allentown, PA) has committed fraud and continued to commit fraud after the fact.  As a matter of public concern, I feel the general public has the right to know of Dean Kevin Zieglers (Allentown, PA) history so fraud is not committed against them.  His criminal history not only includes Fraud, but also harassment, abuse, and other summary offenses.  There are many chiropractors in the Allentown Area.  Should DEAN KEVIN ZIEGLER OF ZIEGLER CHIROPRACTIC (Allentown, PA) be one of them?  I am also exercising my rights to Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press which are afforded to me by the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) has provided more evidence to his stupidity.  He tries so hard to silence me, but it NEVER works.  Why?? Because he is a STUPID IDIOT:

Well, I am glad he thinks I am mentally ill to be sharing his CRIMINAL HISTORY with those that have a stake in knowing the information.  Remember the First Amendment??

This jagoff still doesn't know what slander means.  Thats sad.  That shows why he never wins any of his legal battles.  Slander the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.  The internet is WRITTEN.  Regardless... There is NOTHING false about the information I rant about.  Just because Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) doesn't like it, doesn't make it defamation.  Covered by that great document called the US Constitution and within it the FIRST AMENDMENT!! STUPID STUPID STUPID....

Now the kicker....  He implies he lost his malicious criminal charges of harassment against me because the "magistrate was not familiar with internet law".  NO!!  Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) lost because he had NO evidence that any crime was committed. At no hearing was there mention of any Internet Law even discussed. Just stupidity on his part. Twisting the truth for his own benefit.  More FRAUD!!!  He does this same kind of fraud with patient exams he writes.  This IDIOT is not credible in anything he does.

There are no pending changes in law PA regarding harassment or Internet law.  STUPID AGAIN!!!

I had an interesting conversation and the page/rants in question will NOT be shut down because the information provided is the TRUTH and protected by the FIRST AMENDMENT.  Maybe Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) should have never committed crimes.  Then there would be no ranting to do.

He can bring on all the further legal action he wants.  He would just  LOOSE.  Anyway it is just more talk from a liar.  He just mentions that as an expected reason to try and remove truthful information against him. Can't bring a case against the truth.

Does the phase Jerk Off offend poor Deany Boy....  Again he doesn't know what an obscenity is.  STUPID IDIOT! Get over it.  He didn't even get the phrase correct.  

The RANTING will go on..... The story will be told....  If Presidential candidates can rant as much as they have about each other, the TRUTH can and will be provided about Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA).  The multiple web sites are getting exposure and the email campaign is spreading the word. And there is more planned.  Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA)  is a criminal, a FRAUD.  People should know everything about those they expect to have an impact in their health. No reward necessary for doing the right thing to protect the community from such a con artist .  Your Welcome!! 

AVOID DEAN KEVIN ZIEGLER OF ZIEGLER CHIROPRACTIC (ALLENTOWN, PA)  He fabricates information for his own gain and is not trustworthy.  RUN FAR AND FAST AWAY!!!


Thursday, March 3, 2016

He does the crime.....

DISCLAIMER:  The intention of this post is to educate the reader about Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA).  There is no intention of harassing, alarming or annoying anyone.  Dean Kevin Ziegler (Allentown, PA) has committed fraud and continued to commit fraud after the fact.  As a matter of public concern, I feel the general public has the right to know of Dean Kevin Zieglers (Allentown, PA) history so fraud is not committed against them.  His criminal history not only includes Fraud, but also harassment, abuse, and other summary offenses.  There are many chiropractors in the Allentown Area.  Should DEAN KEVIN ZIEGLER OF ZIEGLER CHIROPRACTIC (Allentown, PA) be one of them?  I am also exercising my rights to Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press which are afforded to me by the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) has been charged with four criminal charges of summary offenses so far in 2016.  But not only is he irresponsible and careless to even get to where he is today, but he does not answer for his crimes.  He still has two out of the four criminal charges to answer for.  Does this jagoff think they are going to go away??

This is not the type of person that you want taking care of any aspect of your wellbeing.  Could you imagine his carelessness and irresponsibility if your personal injury or workers comp.  You would loose.  Anyway, he is a documented liar.  That is another aspect that is against Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA)

There are so many choices for chiropractor in the Lehigh Valley Region.  DO NOT CHOOSE DEAN KEVIN ZIEGLER OF ZIEGLER CHIROPRACTIC (Allentown, PA)