DISCLAIMER: The intention of this post is to educate the reader about Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA). There is no intention of harassing, alarming or annoying anyone. Dean Kevin Ziegler (Allentown, PA) has committed fraud and continued to commit fraud after the fact. As a matter of public concern, I feel the general public has the right to know of Dean Kevin Zieglers (Allentown, PA) history so fraud is not committed against them. His criminal history not only includes Fraud, but also harassment, abuse, and other summary offenses. There are many chiropractors in the Allentown Area. Should DEAN KEVIN ZIEGLER OF ZIEGLER CHIROPRACTIC (Allentown, PA) be one of them? I am also exercising my rights to Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press which are afforded to me by the First Amendment of the US Constitution.
A few emails ago, I mentioned that I have some awesome information; a Great Surprise. Well the day has final arrived. Although I knew for a while, there was a tactical reason to wait for this point and also a need to wait for the Lehigh County Sheriff Department to complete some tasks.
Are you sitting!!!
Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) had been sued in the Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas (Civil Division) by HSBC in the amount of:
Plus continuing interest from October 26, 2015
The result: Well, do you even need to ask?
He's got a trend going for him. He always looses. Hence... HE IS A LOOSER!!!
Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (NOT FOR LONG)- (Allentown, PA) has been issued a COURT ORDER to SELL his property to commence April 22, 2016. It was delivered in February 2016:
101 S. 14th Street, Allentown PA 18102
Parcel No. 549678421979 1

Well people, you see what happens when you commit FRAUD. Your life falls apart. The City Of Allentown won't miss him because he has previously avoided paying taxes just like avoided paying the US Government their taxes. This was so hard to sit on from the beginning of January when I found out.
I am in the process of compiling quite a bit of documents to send out in the e-mail stream. It should arrive by 8PM this evening. You will not want to miss this one.