I have amazing news..... My review/blog is truly paying off. Yet another person has come forward that they identified that Dean K. Ziegler has committed fraud against them. This person said they were googling this character to get his phone number as their cell phone was destroyed by water. In the process, they came up against all the fraud articles and my information about Dean K. Ziegler. I was contacted for information on what they should do next. I kindly advised on his current probationary status with the Department of State and let them know there is already word that he is being actively investigated. I suggested they contact the DA and report their findings and continue to go to the practice and act like nothing is wrong. I also filled them in on completing a state complaint form to advise on what happened to them with Dean K. Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic.
It is so great that my word is getting out and people are learning about Dean K. Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic. Thank you all for sharing in the experience. I never felt so rewarded as I do now. As more and more people learn about this character, the right thing will be done.