DISCLAIMER: The intention of this post is to educate the reader about Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic. There is no intention of harassing, alarming or annoying anyone. Dean K Ziegler has committed fraud and continued to commit fraud after the fact. As a matter of public concern, I feel the general public has the right to know of Dean K Zieglers history so fraud is not committed against them. His criminal history not only includes Fraud, but also harassment, abuse, and other summary offenses. There are many chiropractors in the Allentown Area. Should DEAN KEVIN ZIEGLER OF ZIEGLER CHIROPRACTIC be one of them? I am also exercising my rights to Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press which are afforded to me by the First Amendment of the US Constitution.
I just received an amazing phone call. It seems that I was successful in getting an insurance company to drop Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic from their preferred providers list. I provided them all the documentation I had of his practices as well as having some past patients talk to them.
This is another victory in the fight against Dean Kevin Ziegler, the FELON with the FRAUD and ABUSE history. This along with letters to numerous Auto and Workers Compensation insurance companies compiled with the help of a local attorney familiar with his antics will slowly make it harder for this looser to stay in business. Knowledge is power and Dean Kevin Ziegler would be amazed (maybe more upset) at the things I know and how I know them.
The more others can learn about his shady practices the better it will be for everyone.