DISCLAIMER: The intention of this post is to educate the reader about Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA). There is no intention of harassing, alarming or annoying anyone. Dean Kevin Ziegler (Allentown, PA) has committed fraud and continued to commit fraud after the fact. As a matter of public concern, I feel the general public has the right to know of Dean Kevin Zieglers (Allentown, PA) history so fraud is not committed against them. His criminal history not only includes Fraud, but also harassment, abuse, and other summary offenses. There are many chiropractors in the Allentown Area. Should DEAN KEVIN ZIEGLER OF ZIEGLER CHIROPRACTIC (Allentown, PA) be one of them? I am also exercising my rights to Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press which are afforded to me by the First Amendment of the US Constitution.
Surprise surprise.... Well probably no surprise. Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic (Allentown, PA) has his first two Summary Charges of 2016 coming his way. The criminal got 7 alone in 2015 and is off to a good start for 2016. He still thinks he is above the law and too good to follow the rules. He never learns his lesson in anything he does. Don't take my word for it. Look at his history. What a big fat looser. You don't want to associate with such a character. How can you trust someone that can't follow the simplest of rules. He provides the same disregard to the healthcare he provides. Thank you Karma.
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