Thursday, February 11, 2016

Updated review...

DISCLAIMER:  The intention of this post is to educate the reader about Dean Kevin Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic.  There is no intention of harassing, alarming or annoying anyone.  Dean K Ziegler has committed fraud and continued to commit fraud after the fact.  As a matter of public concern, I feel the general public has the right to know of Dean K Zieglers history so fraud is not committed against them.  His criminal history not only includes Fraud, but also harassment, abuse, and other summary offenses.  There are many chiropractors in the Allentown Area.  Should DEAN KEVIN ZIEGLER OF ZIEGLER CHIROPRACTIC be one of them?  I am also exercising my rights to Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press which are afforded to me by the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

It is important to stress that there is no intention of harassing, alarming, or annoying anyone with this review.  My intention with any review I write as with this one(be it true and accurate to the best of my knowledge) is of a legitimate purpose and for the sole reason of educating potential patients about the criminal history of Dean Kevin Ziegler in the hopes that crimes are not committed against them. Also, as a review is defined, I wish to provide my assessment and examination of Dean Kevin Ziegler with the possibility of instituting change  The First Amendment of the US and PA Constitutions dictate that I have the right to communicate my opinions and ideas without fear of government retaliation or censorship.  If Dean Kevin Ziegler feels the information contained within is false and inaccurate, he is encouraged to obtain legal counsel and pursue remedy in civil court. 

Since he can not afford legal counsel and pursue anything against me the proper way, he abuses the criminal system fabricating information in the hopes of silencing me. You can learn about this in the comments section.

I was a patient (for the sole reason of giving my partner, who was a massage therapist, hours) and did close to volunteer work for Dean Kevin Ziegler. I knew of his fraud history and wanted to protect my partner from his continued fraud and collect intel to report to government agencies. I worked on his computers, processed billing, and he even had me write false patient notes in the hopes of making money.  And the kicker, he had me writing these notes while he was going to jail for fraud. He explained to me how to write the notes in a bell curved fashion.  Showing patients getting a little better, then a little worse, etc. 

After he was charged with fraud he continued to charge my insurance and the insurance of others for procedures he didn't do.  He had his attorney drag out his case so he can continue to make money, and commit more fraud.  My partner (A massage therapist for Dean Kevin Ziegler) was in a car accident, he billed our car insurance for procedures he do.  I was in the office for patient after patient walking in the door for massages.  Although an exam was not done on them, he would charge their insurance for it.  And only if exam notes were needed would he create them.  He would use his notes program and the bell curved formula to fabricate and generate exam notes. After you create a basic initial exam, the program asks for intensity and quality of pain in different areas of the body.  The program then generates a SOAP by altering the notes based on the previous exam If you are a workers comp of auto insurance patient, you can't afford and risk using his made up exam notes if you want the chance to prevail in you case.

He paid massage therapist under the table (claiming they were independent contractors but has no legal documentation/proof of this) to save himself money. When a massage was done, I witnessed him giving cash.  Also, he was not properly handling his taxes and ended up not being able to deposit his money into banks and had to use check cashing services so the government didn't get a hold of his money.  

He also has a multitude of Criminal Summary Charges assessed against him.  Seven in 2015 and already three for 2016 (He doesn't learn his lesson).  He has a groupon campaign.  He thought he would be able to get customers in the door having them pay a discounted rate with groupon and then get their insurance and charge it as well (double dipping and committing fraud.)  Not sure if he actually followed through with this activity but the fact that he inquired about it is shady enough.

And when it comes to my partner working for Dean Kevin Ziegler, he likes to say that my motive for my "campaign" against him is because Dean Kevin Ziegler fired him for hurting a patient.  After 7 years of service, my partner was the only massage therapist Dean Kevin Ziegler was paying officially.  There was also a massage therapist there that wanted more patients.  There was a drive to get my partner to leave.  Dean Kevin Ziegler got him hired at another business.  When he wasn't leaving, he had to make up a reason to get rid of him. He uses defamation and made up a invisible patient that he allegedly hurt (more fraud) Little did he know we would have proof of his intentions.

So, Dean Kevin Ziegler has a history of beating women he even threw one of them down the steps and tried getting me and my partner to shed a positive light about the situation by writing false signed letters.  Diana posted a link to a great article of the situation. At one point, he was placed on parole.  He was given a chance to show he can be a good citizen.  But not Dean.  He violated his parole and ended up in jail.  While he was in jail, he committed fraud.  After being charged with fraud, he continued to commit fraud. When he was going to jail for fraud, he had me even commit more fraud for him.  He went to jail and lost his license.  When he got it back, he continued to commit fraud.

See a pattern.  He doesn't learn his lesson and everything he does has fraud involved.

When it comes to Diana who wrote a review,, I know that the substance of the story is correct.  I can also justify her experience. Dean Kevin Ziegler violated HIPAA guidelines and sent me the private medical records of one of his patients. Those records, which Dean Kevin Ziegler wrote, explain that very situation.  

As my sole purpose was to get working hours for my partner, I stopped letting Dean Kevin Ziegler touch me. In the past, he would perform procedures on me and I would hurt more the next day. (not to the extreme that Diana experienced).  I stopped his adjustments and other manipulations. Also, I was to get rehab as prescribed by a specialist.  He thought he was smarter than my back specialist and had me get massages instead of the read I needed to recover.  Based on what I experienced with other patients, he drags out treatment to get the biggest buck he can form insurances. Some patients would commit fraud themselves by having a spa style experience covered by their insurance.  He would try to make patients worse off then they actually were.  With me, he was dragging out my treatment as he did with others I witnessed.  Although I told my attorney why I was going to him, I was told to stop because using him could potentially hurt my case.  His notes and billing were evident to her he was doing something fishy.  Also his felony fraud conviction made him not trustworthy if needed in  trial. 

As he admits, I was charged with harassment for writing negative reviews against him. Note that these were PA Private Criminal Complaints.  No actual legal authority brought charges against me (and for good reason).  In PA, if a citizen feels they have been wronged by someone they can file these private criminal complaints against them.  Regardless of the merits of the case, it gets a hearing.  Its so easy to file these complaints that I was able to file and have approved a criminal harassment complaint against Dean Ziegler because of his malicious criminal complaints against me. How ironic.  He thinks its a big deal that he was successful in being able to file a private criminal complaint against me but forgets that I had an approved private criminal complaint filed against him because of the very complaints he filed against me.  Be it he was not the bit prepared to present his cases.  He had absolutely no facts or evidence that pointed to me doing anything wrong. He claims reviews of others were written by me but had not one piece of anything to support his claim  The judge brought that to his attention. He thinks writing the truth about him is harassment.  It doesn't take a genius to understand that if you don't want people knowing about your criminal history, maybe you shouldn't have been a criminal in the first place.  If you don't want to feel harassed when someone talks about your history, maybe you shouldn't have been a criminal in the first place. Also, maybe you shouldn't continue to commit crimes demonstrating your irresponsibility and lack of the ability to learn your lesson.  Regardless, if any account happens to be anonymous I can't say I blame anyone that has something to say about him. With Dean Kevin Ziegler having the history of trying to get people charged maliciously with criminal charges for talking about his history, I wouldn't want to use my actual name either.  I was not afraid to use my actual name. I know the truth and regardless of the fact that he knows I do, I am going to share what I know.  I welcome anyone to express there history with Dean Kevin Ziegler.  There are MANY that he committed fraud against especially that I witnessed.  Just keep one thing in mind.  If he can identify you, he may try to claim criminal harassment against you.  Let me be the one to tell you that he WILL NOT PREVAIL.  He lacks the merits and legal know how to be able to successfully win.

I have worked in healthcare myself.  I have witnessed all types of fraud and it disturbs me.  The actions people don't do to try and steal money.  Fraud hurts everyone.  Dean Kevin Ziegler is not the first person that I reported for fraud.  It would be one thing if he committed a criminal act and learned his lesson moving on.  But in his case, he has the nerve to not only commit the act of fraud (A felony) but continue to commit fraud after the fact.  He doesn't learn his lesson and people deserve to know what they are getting into. He plays on the notion that people are uneducated and don't scrutinize their insurance statements or are not able to notice the fraud he is committing.  I despise him because of my drive to educate others about his history as is the purpose of reviews.  Go figure, as I have a drive to make a change, he just may need to watch himself and change his habits if people continue to learn about his history.

Dean Kevin Ziegler is a criminal.  He does not learn his lessons with the crimes he commits.  He doesn't want people to know about his history.  He wants to silence me (or somehow discredit others) so I don't educate others about his activities.  With his history of fraud, he can not be trusted. He manipulates anything he does for his own benefit.  As he wants to silence me, anything out of his mouth is self serving.  If a review is written  anywhere (by anyone), his sole response is that "John Blum" was charged with criminal harassment or he fired my partner.  He doesn't explain the outcome of the criminal complaints or the fact that they were bogus.  He forgets that he committed fraud against a lot of people and there are a lot of people with a voice..  I have encouraged people to share their experience (but with extreme caution).

If Dean Kevin Ziegler is going to comment on any review, I encourage him to chat about his criminal history instead of his misdirection.  Others my say let him atone for his crimes in his own way. There is no atoning when you continue to commit your crimes

This review has been long but the history I truthfully experienced has been long.  You have the right to know the whole truth to make your own determination about Dean Kevin Ziegler.  As Dean Kevin Ziegler proclaims,  he is trying to do a good thing and that someone is psycho for describing their history him.  I suggest there is no good thing he does.  Based on the history   Again, my intention with any review I write as with this one(be it true and accurate to the best of my knowledge) is of a legitimate purpose and for the sole reason of educating potential patients about the criminal history of Dean Kevin Ziegler in the hopes that crimes are not committed against them. Also, as a review is defined, I wish to provide my assessment and examination of Dean Kevin Ziegler with the possibility of instituting change  The First Amendment of the US and PA Constitutions dictate that I have the right to communicate my opinions and ideas without fear of government retaliation or censorship.  If Dean Kevin Ziegler feels the information contained within is false and inaccurate, he is encouraged to obtain legal counsel and pursue remedy in civil court.  

As James Martin, DA of Lehigh County has said: "All Lehigh County citizens have a stake in the prevention, investigation and prosecution of crimes. We share a vision of safe streets, neighborhoods and communities where we can live, work and raise our children"

I am doing my part to do just that.

These are the complaints he filed against me:
Read the result here: 
and here:
and here:
Hearing Transcript: