Check this out..... One of the pieces of information Dean K Ziegler handed out at the hearing today. A desperate cry for help directed to the District Attorneys office here in Lehigh County. If one thing is consistent.... He is one dumb character. It was said at his Fraud Hearing: "He thinks everyone is dumber then he is". He is obviously the dumb one here. He believes things in his head are the truth and he is way farther then from the truth. As a reminder HE LOST HIS HARASSMENT CASE TODAY.... BIG TIME!!!!!! He thought he would be smarter then everyone else. He couldn't pull one over on Magistrate D'Amore. Dean K Ziegler is a Felon that no one can ever trust. He continued to commit fraud after being charged with insurance fraud. How stupid can someone be. Well, we are talking about Dean K Ziegler here.