As an example to show he did no wrong, Dean K. Ziegler produced as his evidence a patients billing record. This record showed that the patients insurance made no payment to the doctor as payment went to the patients deductible. He tried to say that since he collected no money, he did no fraud. But this is far from the truth. He committed fraud twice. First, he billed the patient for procedures he didn't do. Second, as he admits, he collected no money as monies was to be collected from the patient.
According to federal regulations and laws of states:
Because of the government's aggressive approach to ensure that all claims are billed correctly, the once common practice of professional courtesy is now considered illegal. According to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of Inspector General (OIG), "It is unlawful to routinely waive co-payments, deductibles, coinsurances or other patient responsibility payments." (67 Fed. Reg. 72,896 (Dec. 9, 2002)). This applies to health care and services paid by Medicare, TRICARE/CHAMPUS, and any other program paid partially or in full with federal funds. It also includes professional courtesy, as well as "take what insurance pays" (TWIP) policies.
So there we have it.... He admits to wrong doing in front of a judge. What a stupid putts.
Is this also violating HIPAA for providing a patients private health information.... I will pursue that angle as well as contacting the patients insurance company. Karma is getting this looser good.
So potential patients..... Dean K. Ziegler will do anything he has to in order to violate your privacy in an attempt to try and prove he did no wrong. Stress on try. Only someone as dumb as Dean K. Ziegler is dumb enough to keep incriminating himself. THANK YOU DEAN K ZIEGLER FOR PUTTING MORE INFORMATION INTO MY HANDS AND FOR BEING SO STUPID!! Your keeping me very busy. Onto the complaints to more government agencies.......