Friday, April 10, 2015

Looks like Dean K Ziegler is officially under investigation.....

DISCLAIMER:  The intention of this post is to educate the reader about Dean K Ziegler of Ziegler Chiropractic.  There is no intention of harassing, alarming or annoying anyone.  Dean K Ziegler has committed fraud and continued to commit fraud after the fact.  As a matter of public concern, I feel the general public has the right to know of Dean K Zieglers history so fraud is not committed against them.
We are one step closer to Karma getting Dean K Ziegler.  It is my hope that his license is suspended again.  While he is busy filing malicious harassment complaints that are going absolutely no where, we are in the process of fighting back. I was positive that everything was going to back fire on this idiot. And I am impressed with how quickly the state is moving on this matter. Who's laughing now!!! Looks like Dean K Ziegler is going to need an attorney.  He is not getting out of this one: